After Effects
Topics: 3D, Effects, Export, Keyframes, Project and Composition Settings
Q1. What type of light never casts a shadow in a 3D scene?
Q2. Where do you change the shutter angle for the motion blur in a composition?
Q3. What is a null object?
Q6. Which blur effect supports using a depth matte to define the focal range?
Q7. How can you create a direct relationship between two-layer properties?
Q8. Which technique is useful for creating slow-motion, fast-motion, freeze frame, or other retiming results for a layer?
Q9. An image was created on a transparent background in Photoshop using different dimensions to an After Effects composition. Which option was used when importing the PSD file below to place the image at its original scale and position?
Q10. How can you render a file in the background and keep working in After Effects?
Q11. Which property can be added to a 3D layer? (Select three items.)
Q12. You’d like to include controls from an After Effects composition in the Essential Graphics panel. What is one way to do this?
Reference link
Q13. You have applied the Auto Levels effect but notice flickering in the results. How can you reduce this?
Q14. Which type of light is used in this scene?
Q15. Which effect recovers alpha-channel details from a scene keyed by a typical keying effect, including recovering details lost due to compression artifacts?
Q16. If you want to apply an effect to multiple layers and adjust all layers at once, which method should you use?
Q17. You want to scale all elements in a composition, including the composition itself. How can you do this?
Q18. Holding the Shift key when rotating a 3D layer constrains the rotation to how many degrees?
Q19. How can you choose which frame of composition to show as a thumbnail image for the composition in the Project panel?
Q20. When you want to add properties to the Essential Graphics panel, how can you easily see only the supported properties?
Q21. You want to take an existing layer and make it into two separate layers. How can you do this such that the separation occurs at the playhead?
Q24. A file is in the Render Queue but cannot be rendered. You see that it is labeled Needs Output. What should you do?
Q25. Which effect cannot be applied to a mask shape?
Q26. What type of object creates a single-color layer for use as a backdrop?
Q27. What is the maximum number of masks that can be applied to a single layer in an After Effects 7.0 composition?
Q28. What is Adobe After Effects primarily used for?
Q29. Which panel in After Effects allows you to organize and control your project assets?
Q30. In After Effects, what does the “Keyframe” function allow you to do?
Q33. What is the workspace layout called where you can preview your composition in After Effects?
Q34. Which of the following effects in After Effects allows you to simulate the appearance of real-world camera depth of field?
Q35. What does the “Wiggle Expression” do in After Effects?
Q36. In After Effects, what does the “Track Matte” feature do?
Q37. Which of the following is a keyframe interpolation method in After Effects that creates smooth, flowing animations between keyframes?
Q38. Which shortcut key provides quick access to the Opacity controls for a selected layer?
Q39. What happens when you change the zero point (origin) for the rulers in the Composition viewer (panel)?
Q40. Changes made to rotation or position in 3D space are attached to the layer and not based on the composition. Which axis mode would you want to use to have changes based on the axes in the Composition panel?
Q41. Which characteristics do the Render settings control?
A. Output frame rate
B. Compression options
C. Duraction
D. Cropping
E. Layer quality
Q42. Which Keyframe Assistant is shown here?

Q43. Which path operation creates multiple copies of a single shape?
Q44. Write characteristics do the output module settings control?
A. Output frame rate
C. Compression options
D. Cropping
E. Time span
Q46. When working with 3D layers in After Effects, which axis mode allows you to make changes based on the orientation of the Composition panel?