

Q1. What is the purpose of the <track> tag, and when should it be used?

Q2. What are the best examples of void elements?

Q3. In HTML5, which tag or tags embed a webpage inside of a webpage?

Q5. What is the best way to apply bold styling to text?

Q7. What should fill the two blanks in the HTML code below?

<address ______ _____>
  <span itemprop="streetAddress">6410 Via Real</span><br />
  <span itemprop="addressLocality">Carpinteria</span>,
  <span itemprop="addressRegion">CA</span>
  <span itemprop="addressCode">93013</span>

Q8. What is the use of the <aside> element?

Q9. With which tags is the <source> element associated?

Q10. What is NOT a valid attribute for the <textarea> element?

Q11. What is the best way to code the sample shown?

Sample text

  <summary>Parmesan Deviled Eggs</summary>
    These delectable little bites are made with organic eggs, fresh Parmesan, and chopped pine nuts.
<h4>▸ Parmesan Deviled Eggs</h4>
  These delectable little bites are made with organic eggs, fresh Parmesan, and chopped pine nuts.
<details open>
  <summary>Parmesan Deviled Eggs</summary>
    These delectable little bites are made with organic eggs, fresh Parmesan, and chopped pine nuts.
  <h4>▸ Parmesan Deviled Eggs</h4>
    These delectable little bites are made with organic eggs, fresh Parmesan, and chopped pine nuts.

Q12. What is the purpose of the <samp> element?

Q13. When should you use <ol> and <ul> elements?

Q14. What is the difference between the post and get methods in a form?

Q15. What is the difference between the <div> and <span> tags?

Q16. What should fill the blank in the HTML code below?

<form method="post" action="" ____="text/plain"></form>

Q17. What is the correct markup for the alt attribute of an image?

<img src="cubism.jpg" alt="Version of ""Whistler's Mother"" in cubist style">
<img src="cubism.jpg" alt="Version of "Whistler's Mother" in cubist style">
<img src="cubism.jpg" alt='Version of "Whistler&apos;s Mother" in cubist style' />
<img src="cubism.jpg" alt="Version of \"Whistler's Mother\" in cubist style">

Q18. In the code below, what is the purpose of the id attribute?

<p id="warning">Be careful when installing this product.</p>

Q19. What is the best semantic markup for the sentence shown?

On July 21, 1969, Neil Armstrong said, "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."
  On <time datetime="1969-07-21">July 21, 1969</time>, Neil Armstrong said,
  <q cite=""
    >One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.</q
  On July 21, 1969, Neil Armstrong said,
  <q cite=""
    >"One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."</q
  On July 21, 1969, Neil Armstrong said,
  <q>"One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."</q>
  On <time datetime="07-21-1969">July 21, 1969</time>, Neil Armstrong said,
  <q cite=""
    >One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.</q

Q20. What should fill the blank in this HTML code?

<a href="" hreflang="____" target="_blank">Visita Yahoo</a>

Q21. Review the text in the red box in the image shown. What is the best way to code this in HTML?

Image of footer

Q22. What is the best way to code three choices within a form so that the user can select only one item?

<label for="example">Make a choice:</label>
<datalist id="example">
  <option value="Choice 1"></option>
  <option value="Choice 2"></option>
  <option value="Choice 3"></option>
<p>Make a choice:</p>
<input id="choices" name="example" />

<datalist value="choices">
  <option value="Choice 1"></option>
  <option value="Choice 2"></option>
  <option value="Choice 3"></option>
<label for="example">Make a choice:</label>
<input list="example" id="choices" name="choices" />

<datalist id="choices">
  <option value="Choice 1">Choice 1</option>
  <option value="Choice 2">Choice 2</option>
  <option value="Choice 3">Choice 3</option>
<label for="example">Make a choice:</label>
<input list="choices" id="example" name="example" />

<datalist id="choices">
  <option value="Choice 1"></option>
  <option value="Choice 2"></option>
  <option value="Choice 3"></option>

Q23. How do you confirm that a document is written in HTML5?

Q24. What does the code shown below accomplish?

  <source srcset="image1.jpg" media="(min-width: 1000px)" />
  <source srcset="image2.jpg" media="(min-width: 750px)" />
  <img src="image3.jpg" />

Source: HTML <picture> Tag

Q25. What code will produce this table?

Table with yellow background

  <scope cols="2" style="background-color: yellow">
    <th>Col 1</th>
    <th>Col 2</th>
    <th>Col 3</th>
  <colgroup span="2" style="background-color: yellow">
    <th>Col 1</th>
    <th>Col 2</th>
    <th>Col 3</th>
  <group cols="2" style="background-color: yellow">
  <tr scope="row">
    <th>Col 1</th>
    <th>Col 2</th>
    <th>Col 3</th>
  <tr scope="row">
  <columns colspan="2" style="background-color: yellow">
    <th>Col 1</th>
    <th>Col 2</th>
    <th>Col 3</th>

Q26. What is the <hr> tag typically used for? / Alt.: What is the semantic meaning of the <hr> tag?

This is a confusing question and there can be arguments for both the second and the third options being correct.

MDN: The HTML <hr> element represents a thematic break between paragraph-level elements. Historically, this has been presented as a horizontal rule or line. While it may still be displayed as a horizontal rule in visual browsers, this element is now defined in semantic terms, rather than presentational terms, so if you wish to draw a horizontal line, you should do so using appropriate CSS.

Q27. What should fill the two blanks in the HTML code below?

<section itemscope itemtype="">
  <h1 itemprop="name">Nadia's Garden</h1>
  <p itemscope ______ ______>
    <span itemprop="ratingValue">4.5</span> stars - based on
    <span itemprop="reviewCount">120</span> reviews
<a id="top"></a>

<!-- placed at the top of the page -->

<a href="#top">back to top</a>
<a name="top"></a>

<!-- placed at the top of the page -->

<a href="#top">back to top</a>
<a href="#">back to top</a> <a href="#top">back to top</a>
<button href="#">back to top</button> <button href="#top">back to top</button>

Q29. Which three tags were deprecated in HTML4 but returned to HTML5?

Q30. The _ tag is used for marking up a short code snippet, while the _ tag is used for marking up a longer block of code

  1. Source: MDN Web Docs code
  2. Source: MDN Web Docs pre

Q31. What does the <label> element do?

Q33. What is the most semantically accurate way to mark up the sentence shown below? Note: “TLAs” stands for “three-letter acronyms.”

We are fond of our TLAs in web design.

<p>We are fond of our <span title="three-letter acronyms">TLAs</span> in web design.</p>
<p>We are fond of our TLAs in web design.</p>
<p>we are fond of our <abbr title="three-letter acronyms">TLAs</abbr> in web design.</p>
<p>we are fond of our <acronym title="three-letter acronym">TLAs</acronym> in web design.</p>

<acronym> has been removed in HTML5 and shouldn’t be used anymore. Instead, web developers should use the <abbr> element.

Q34. What is the correctly nested markup for this list?

Sample list

    <ol style="circle">
    <ol style="circle">
    Office Supplies
      <li>Paper clips</li>

Q35. What should fill in the blank below?

<link href="phone.css" rel="stylesheet" _____="print" />

Q36. What is the semantically correct way to mark up this layout?


  "Making money is what you have to do to sustain a business—being driven to make something of value
  and purpose is much more powerful."
<p><em>Lynda Weinman</em></p>
    >"Making money is what you have to do to sustain a business—being driven to make something of
    value and purpose is much more powerful."</q
  <cite><em>Lynda Weinman</em></cite>
    "Making money is what you have to do to sustain a business—being driven to make something of
    value and purpose is much more powerful."
  <cite>Lynda Weinman</cite>
    >"Making money is what you have to do to sustain a business—being driven to make something of
    value and purpose is much more powerful."</q
  <cite>Lynda Weinman</cite>

Q37. Which choice uses the correct terminology in describing this markup: <p>info</p>?

Q38. What is the difference between <input type="submit" value="click me"> and <button type="submit">Click me</button>?

Q39. What is the best semantic way to indicate that text refers to keyboard entry?

Q40. What does this code do?

<audio controls>
  <source src="sound.mp3" type="audio/mpeg" />
  <source src="sound.ogg" type="audio/ogg" />
  <source src="sound.wav" type="audio/wav" />

Q41. What attribute applies a keyboard shortcut hint to the current element?

Q43. Which tag is the root element of an HTML document?

The <html> tag is the root element of an HTML document, which means that it contains all the contents and tags of the HTML document within it. The HTML element represents the root of a document.

  1. Source
  2. Source

Q44. Which code snippet creates the layout shown, starting at <table> and ending at </table>?


  <td>Table cell 1</td>
  <td>Table cell 2</td>
  <td rowspan="2">Table cell 3</td>
  <td>Table cell 1</td>
  <td>Table cell 2</td>
  <td>Table cell 3</td>
  <td>Table cell 1</td>
  <td>Table cell 2</td>
  <td colspan="2">Table cell 3</td>
  <td>Table cell 1</td>
  <td>Table cell 2</td>
  <td>Table cell 3</td>

Q46. Which form is coded correctly?

    <label for="name">Your name:</label>
    <input type="text" name="name" id="name" />
    <button type="submit">Submit</button>
    <p>Your name:</p>
    <input type="text" name="name" id="name" />
    <input type="submit" value="Submit" />
    <label for="name">Your name:</label>
    <input type="text" name="name" id="name" />
    <button type="submit">Submit</button>
  <label for="name">Your name:</label>
  <input type="text" name="name" id="name" />
  <input type="submit" value="Submit" />

Q47. What does the poster attribute do in the <video> tag?

Q48. What does this code do?

<audio controls src="sound.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">When does this text display?</audio>

Q49. What is the primary purpose of the <canvas> tag?

Q50. Which choice contains three valid block-level elements?</li>

Q51. In the code below, what is the purpose of the lang attribute?

<p lang="en-GB">Welcome to our wonderful website.</p>

Q52. Which image formats can be displayed by all web browsers?

Q53. Review the code below. What is the absolute URL for a page called page.html?

<base href="" />

Q54. What is the correct way to include a stylesheet named style.css in the <head> of your document?

Q55. You want to have single spacing in between some lines, like in a poem or an address. Which approach should you use?

From MDN (<br>: The Line Break element):

Accessibility concerns

Creating separate paragraphs of text using <br> is not only bad practice, it is problematic for people who navigate with the aid of screen reading technology. Screen readers may announce the presence of the element, but not any content contained within <br>s. This can be a confusing and frustrating experience for the person using the screen reader.

Use <p> elements, and use CSS properties like margin to control their spacing.

Q56. What does the <wbr> tag do?

    <li><a href="#">Link 1</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Link 2</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Link 3</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Link 1</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Link 2</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Link 2a</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Link 3</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Link 1</a></li>
      <a href="#">Link 2</a>
        <li><a href="#">Link 2a</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Link 3</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Link 1</a></li>
      <a href="#">Link 2</a>
          <li><a href="#">Link 2a</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Link 3</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Link 1</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Link 2</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Link 2a</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Link 3</a></li>

Q58. What is the correct way to code a comment in HTML?

Q59. Which statement is false?

Q60. What is the best semantic to use Quotes in HTML?

Steve Kruz said: "He will Win"

Reference (w3schools)

Q61. How will a video look displayed on a fully loaded webpage if the <video> tag is used and the autoplay attribute is not set?

Reference (w3schools)

Q62. What is the correct way to describe an empty element / Alt.: What is the correct way to describe an empty element, such as a line break tag?

Reference (MDN Web Docs)

Q63. What is the purpose of async in this code?

<script async src="myscript.js"></script>

Q64. What does this code do on a page you are visiting for the first time?

<audio autoplay loop src="sound.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"></audio>

  1. (MDN) audio,
  2. (MDN) autoplay

Q65. What is the difference between the <head> and <header> tags?

Q66. In this code, what is the purpose of defer?

<script defer src="myscript.js"></script>

Q67. The code below contains some errors. Which choice corrects all of the errors?

    Cell 1
  <td>Cell 2</td>
    A table
  A table
      Cell 1
      Cell 2
  A table
    <td>Cell 1</td>
    <td>Cell 2</td>
    A table
    <td>Cell 1</td>
    <td>Cell 2</td>
    <td>Cell 1</td>
    <td>Cell 2</td>
    A table

Image of footer

Q69. When should you use the <article> element?

Reference (MDN)

Q70. Which list comprises three empty elements?

<area />
<embed />
<input />
<br />
<wbr />
<base />
<source />

Q71. Which snippet of HTML, when clicked, makes a phone call on a mobile device?

Q72. What is the purpose of the class attribute?

Reference (MDN)

Reference (MDN)

Q74. What is the most semantic way to mark up this sentence so that “happy talk must die” is rendered as an inline quote?

As Steve Krug once said, happy talk must die.

Source: W3Schools

<q> tag Most browsers will display q tags as inline elements with quotes

Q75. What is the most semantically accurate way to make up a main navigation bar, displayed in a horizontal direction?

  <a href="index.html">Home</a>
  <a href="about.html">About</a>
  <a href="contact.html">Contact</a>
  <a href="index.html">Home</a>
  <a href="about.html">About</a>
  <a href="contact.html">Contact</a>
    <li><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>
    <li><a href="about.html">About</a></li>
    <li><a href="contact.html">Contact</a></li>
    <li><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>
    <li><a href="about.html">About</a></li>
    <li><a href="contact.html">Contact</a></li>

Q76. Which choice is the best way to mark up this layout?

Image of footer

<h4>Mailing Address</h4>
  6410 Via Real <br />
  Carpinteria, CA 93013<br />
  <a href=""></a>
<h4><strong>Mailing Address</h4>
  6410 Via Real <br>
  Carpinteria, CA 93013<br>
  <a href=""></a>
<h4>Mailing Address</h4>
    6410 Via Real <br />
    Carpinteria, CA 93013<br />
    <a href=""></a>
<p><strong>Mailing Address</strong></p>
    6410 Via Real <br />
    Carpinteria, CA 93013<br />
    <a href=""></a>

Source: W3Schools

The <address> tag defines the contact information for the author/owner of a document or an article. The contact information can be an email address, URL, physical address, phone number, social media handle, etc. The text in the <address> element usually renders in italics, and browsers will always add a line break before and after the <address> element.

Q77. What is the primary purpose of HTML?

Q78. For the HTML code below, when will “Sample Text” display to the browser?

<noscript>Sample Text</noscript>

Reference (MDN)

Q79. How will this code render by default in most web browsers?

  <h4>Mixed Berry Tart.</h4>
    Raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries on top of a creamy filling served in a crispy tart.

Q80. What is the difference between the <svg> and <canvas>?

Q81. What is the difference between the readonly and disabled attributes for the <textarea> element?

  1. Source: readonly
  2. Source: disabled

Q82. In this code, what is target?

<a target="_blank">...</a>

Q83. What is the correct way to add a submit URL to a button element?

<button submit="">Process data</button>
<button action="">Process data</button>
<button formaction="">Process data</button>
<button method="">Process data</button>

formation — The URL that processes the information submitted by the button. Overrides the action attribute of the button's form owner. Does nothing if there is no form owner. Source

Q84. Which is the best markup to produce this text?


This question has an issue, however this answer will count as correct It's too strange a question because all of that methods doesn't work. The good method is &amp, &lt, &gt using.

Q85. What is wrong with this code snippet?

<label>Address:</label> <input type="text" name="address" id="address-input" />

Q86. What is the default method for form submission?

Q87. Which is the most semantically correct markup for a side comment in small print?

Q88. Which choice will produce the Spanish word canción?

Q89. What is the purpose of <caption>?

Q90. The value attribute is associated with which set of tags?

  <input />
  <input />
<input /> <label> <meter></meter></label>

Q91. What is wrong with this code?

<img src="">

Q92. Which choice is the most semantically correct markup for specifying the first definition of a term?

Definition element => The <dfn> HTML element is used to indicate the term being defined within the context of a definition phrase or sentence.
**Description Term element => The <dt> HTML element specifies a term in a description or definition list, and as such must be used inside an <dl> element.
**Description Details element =>The <dd> HTML element provides the description, definition, or value for the preceding term (<dt>) in a description list (<dl>).


Q93. Which choice is the best way to code three choices within a form so that the user can select multiple items?

<input type="radio" name="example" /> Choice 1 <br />
<input type="radio" name="example" /> Choice 2 <br />
<input type="radio" name="example" /> Choice 3
<input type="checkbox" name="example" /> Choice 1 <br />
<input type="checkbox" name="example" /> Choice 2 <br />
<input type="checkbox" name="example" /> Choice 3
<label><input type="checkbox" name="example" /> Choice 1</label><br />
<label><input type="checkbox" name="example" /> Choice 2</label><br />
<label><input type="checkbox" name="example" /> Choice 3</label>
<label><input type="radio" name="example" /> Choice 1</label><br />
<label><input type="radio" name="example" /> Choice 2</label><br />
<label><input type="radio" name="example" /> Choice 3</label>

<input> elements of type checkbox are rendered by default as boxes that are checked (ticked) when activated as you might see in an official government paper form. The exact appearance depends upon the operating system configuration under which the browser is running. Generally, this is a square but it may have rounded corners.


Q94. How would you mark up a piece of ASCII art (an emoticon) in an accessible way?

Q95. Which example is a standard way in HTML5 for adding author metadata to a page?

Q96. Given the following requirements, select the correct input configuration: An input that allows the user to select from a range of integer values between 0 and 100 (inclusive) in increments of 5

<input> elements of type range let the user specify a numeric value which must be no less than a given value and no more than another given value. The step attribute is a number that specifies the granularity that the value must adhere to.


Q97. Which choice is a valid markup for a <head> element?

The <head> HTML element contains machine-readable information (metadata) about the document, like its title. The <data> tag is used to add a machine-readable translation of a given content. Source 1/ Source 2

Q98. You need to add comments to the company blog. What is the most semantic markup for a list of comments?

  <article>First comment.</article>
  <article>Second comment.</article>
<div aria="dpub-comments">
  <div aria="dpub-comment">First comment.</div>
  <div aria="dpub-comment">Second comment.</div>
  <aside>First comment.</aside>
  <aside>Second comment.</aside>
<div typeof="comments">
  <div typeof="comment">First comment.</div>
  <div typeof="comment">Second comment.</div>

The <article> HTML element represents a self-contained composition in a document, page, application, or site, which is intended to be independently distributable or reusable (e.g., in syndication). Example: a user-submitted comment. Source

Q99. To make something editable by the user, you need to set the _ attribute to _

The contenteditable global attribute is an enumerated attribute indicating if the element should be editable by the user. If so, the browser modifies its widget to allow editing. The attribute must take one of the following values: true or an empty string, which indicates that the element is editable; false, which indicates that the element is not editable. Source

Q100. Which choice is the standard way to include a value in a form without making it visible to or editable by the user?

<input> elements of type hidden let web developers include data that cannot be seen or modified by users when a form is submitted. For example, the ID of the content that is currently being ordered or edited, or a unique security token. Hidden inputs are completely invisible in the rendered page, and there is no way to make it visible in the page's content. Source

Q101. What is the semantic way to add an identifying title to a table?

The <caption> HTML element specifies the caption (or title) of a table. Source

Q102. Which image file referenced in this img element’s srcset attribute should a browser on a small mobile phone load?

  srcset="medium.jpg 320w, large.jpg 1280w"
  alt="Our favorite image"
  sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 640px, 100vw"

The browser will: 1. Look at its device width. 2. Work out which media condition in the sizes list is the first one to be true. 3. Look at the slot size given to that media query. 4. Load the image referenced in the srcset list that has the same size as the slot or, if there isn't one, the first image that is bigger than the chosen slot size. Source

Q103. Which description is coded correctly?

  <dd>Software used to serve webpages, like Apache.</dd>
  <dd>Hardware used to provide data to other computers.</dd>
  <!-- Other terms and descriptions -->
  <dd>Software used to serve webpages, like Apache.</dd>
  <dd> Hardware used to provide data to other computers.</dd>
  <!-- Other terms and descriptions -->
  <dd>Software used to serve webpages, like Apache.</dd>
  <dt>Hardware used to provide data to other computers.</dt>
  <!-- Other terms and descriptions -->
  <dt>Software used to serve webpages, like Apache.</dt>
  <dt>Hardware used to provide data to other computers.</dt>
  <!-- Other terms and descriptions -->

Source 1 Source 2

Q104. What is wrong with this code?

  <h2>Espresso Drinks</h2>

ul content model only accepts "Zero or more li and script-supporting elements". Source

Q105. A designer gave you CSS code that should run only when the device rendering the page is in dark mode. How would you embed that code?

Q106. How would you mark up a header for a table row?

  <thead scope="row">
    <th row="1">Header</th>
    <th scope="row">Header</th>
    <thead scope="row">

Q107. Which statement is correct?


Q108. Users report that a form is not working. What is the culprit?

<form action="/choices" disabled>
  <fieldset disabled>
    <label>Choice 1 <input type="radio" name="choice" value="choice1" /></label>
    <label>Choice 2 <input type="radio" name="choice" value="choice1" /></label>
    <label>Choice 3 <input type="radio" name="choice" value="choice1" /></label>
    <label>Choice 4 <input type="radio" name="choice" value="choice1" /></label>

A disabled fieldset is unusable and un-clickable. Source

Q109. Which description list is coded correctly?

  <dd>Software used to server webpages, like Apache.</dd>
  <dd>Hardware used to provide data to other computers.</dd>
  <!--Other terms and descriptions -->
  <dt>Software used to server webpages, like Apache.</dt>
  <dt>Hardware used to provide data to other computers.</dt>
  <!--Other terms and descriptions -->
    <dd>Software used to server webpages, like Apache.</dd>
    <dd>Hardware used to provide data to other computers.</dd>
    <!--Other terms and descriptions -->
  <dd>Software used to server webpages, like Apache.</dd>
  <dt>Hardware used to provide data to other computers.</dt>
  <!--Other terms and descriptions -->

Q110. what does the a in the HTML tag stand for?


Q111. What is the correct HTML element for inserting a line break?

Q112. The HTML global attribute, “contenteditable” is used to

Q113. HTML elements that aren’t meant to store content or other elements are called _ elements


Q114. The _ attribute of an HTML label element is a referencing mechanism to state what input or element the label is tied to


Q115. Coding in HTML provides which of the following?

Q116. Which HTML element is the container for all the renderable aspects of the document?

Q117. The “h” in the HTML h1 tag is short for _


Q118. Which is an invalid use of the <a> element?

<a href="#additional-information" class="Card">
  <video src="media.mp4" width="400" height="300"></video>
<a href="#additional-information" class="Card">
    <summary>Additional Information</summary>
<a href="#additional-information" class="Card">
  <p>Additional Information</p>
<a href="#additional-information" class-"Card">
  <img src="media.jpeg" alt="More information"></video>

Q119. How to display preformatted text in HTML?

Q120. Which is a valid title element?


Source 1 Source 2

Q122. Which example is missing a mandatory closing tag, making it invalid?


Q123. What is the semantic method for marking up a video with a caption in browsers that support it?


Q124. A white paper has a sidebar and endnotes, both of which are complementary to the main text. How would you mark them up to make their distinct roles more broadly accessible?

<custom-sidebar aria-label-"Sidebar"›Sidebar...</custom-sidebar><custom-footnote aria-
<aside role="sidebar">Sidebar...</aside>
<aside role="notes">Endnotes...</aside>
<aside role="complementary">Sidebar...</aside>
<aside role="supplementary">Endnotes...</aside>
<aside aria-label-"Sidebar">Sidebar...</aside><aside aria-label="Endnotes">Endnotes...</aside>


Q125. A white paper has a sidebar and endnotes, both of which are complementary to the main text. How would you mark them up to make their distinct roles more broadly accessible?


Q126. Which video example will autoplay in most browsers?


Q127. In which order will these scripts execute, assuming they all take the same time to download?

<script type="module" src="module.js"></script>
// external module
<script type="async" src="module.js"></script>
// async
<script type="defer" src="module.js"></script>
// defer
<script type="module" src="module.js">
  // inline module


Q129. Users report that a form is not working. What is the culprit?

  <form action="/choices" disabled>
    <fieldset disabled>
      <label>Choice 1 <input type="radio" name="choice" value="choice1" /></label>
      <label>Choice 2 <input type="radio" name="choice" value="choice2" /></label>
      <label>Choice 3 <input type="radio" name="choice" value="choice3" /></label>
      <label>Choice 4 <input type="radio" name="choice" value="choice4" /></label>

Q130. What is wrong with this table?

  <legend>A two body table!</legend>
  <col />
  <col />
      <td>Cell 1</td>
      <td>Cell 1</td>
      <td>Cell 1</td>
      <td>Cell 1</td>


Q131. In this code, what is the purpose of the id attribute?

<p id="warning">Be careful when installing this product.</p>


Q132. What does the HTML <em> element represent?


Q133. The **_** element is used to render simple graphics such as line art, graphs, and other custom graphical elements on the client side.

Q134. Which attribute is not essential under <iframe>?

Q135.What does HTML stands for?

Q136.Which of the following HTML element is used for creating an unordered list?